Monday 23 April 2012

preliminary task

  1. mid shot of the library door as it opens
  2. 1st character looks nervous
  3. 2nd character walks to chair we use a macth on action shot for this
  4. same as no.3
  5. 2nd character sits down oposite 1st character
  6. wide shot of the two characters opposite each other
  7. shot of 2nd character as he begins to tlak about a package he needs money for
  8. reverse shot of 1st charcter as he replys weakly
  9. mid shot of 2nd character as he points  at 1st character and gives a warning
  10. close up of 1st character's worried expression
  11. wide shot as 2nd character leans forward and grabs 1st character to give a final warning

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