Thursday 5 April 2012

Day 1

On Wednesday 21st of march we decided to film our first scene we did during the end of period 2 and the beginning of period 3 as we all had a free period and decided it would be a perfect to go to hertford road while it was relatively quiet , the time ranged from 10:30 to 11:30. we didn't really have a particular outlook on how the weather should reflect the scene. it could either be gloomy and raining to give the scene a dark and menacing feel however it could be nice and warm and mean filming could be done quicker and in a better manner . Luckily it was the second one we decided that to give it that dark feel we wanted,we would do the scene in black and white. we decided our roles for filming the we week, for this shoot I would be the actor, Aaron would be props and Michael would be director/cameraman. We decided to keep it only as us three doing all the roles because the more people we had the more we had to change around the schedule and have to deal with unreliability. we thought that one of our problems would be people milling around however it was the fact that hearing through the hood was very difficult so we had to do many retakes. \however at the end of the day we got the film done and pretty much flawless

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