Tuesday, 21 February 2012

In media studies we were issued the task of making a 2 minute opening clip for our own. A thriller according to Riddley Scott is a film or book which provides suspense, a plot twist and most of all create a thrill within the audience. We also took a look at the codes and conventions of a thriller, codes and  convention in films can be seen in two ways one being technical codes this through the camera work such as having a tight frame to suggest a character is trapped the second being subliminal codes such as seeing a character in white might suggest they are good and pure. conventions are basically stereotypes we expect in films suchas the irish character being a drunk such as a surprise twist, shady characters, dark setting. We split into groups mine being Aaron and Michael and had to come with our ideas. This was difficult as we all ha separate opinions on what the opening should be about. We finally came to a decision on our idea a crime/mystery thriller where we saw a murder being covered up as a suicide. We have hit a road block as miss told us we had to come up with the entire films idea, which we hadn’t thought about at first but I’ve come up with an idea which I’ll give to the group on monday

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